Upon You is one of our favorite labels. Their quality is outrageous, i confess that i've never listened anything bad from them and, this time, Mathias Mesteno was their bet. Also known as Matt Vega, this dj and producer from Copenhagen - Denmark - presents tremendous skills in this 3 musics ep. To start off the a1 side "Dixie's Diner" - 11 minutes off deep minimal stuff, with a very nice bass and a fabulous construction. Nice breaks, clean entrances and exquisite taste of pieces. This is surely the main plate of the menu, i can't get tired of listening it... just going and going. wow! ... after you get a taste of Dixie's Diner there can't be nothing better than "Waffles" - b side - also a tremendous music with a nice underground flavor. This guy knows how to make it... You feel like you're listening techno constructions but the minimal power is always present. What a turn on! And to end this nothing better than "Steaks and Chops" - a seductive piece by piece music presenting you the ingredients one by one... till you can't get more of it! Great Ep, one of the best things i listened recently.
UY#012a1 - Dixie's Diner
b1 - Waffles
b2 - Steaks and Chops